ECO PR's Wildlife Conservation Internship 2023

In the first year of our Wildlife Conservation Internship, Andira del Alba Puente-Vega emerged as an outstanding intern. A 4th year microbiology student at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Andira showed remarkable dedication to the Yellow-shouldered Blackbird. During her internship, she not only diligently monitored YSBL nests, but she also spearheaded key YSBL surveys, collecting data critical to estimating the species' population size. Her blend of academic skills and conservation passion inspired our team immensely.

Beyond her commitment to the environment, Andira has aspirations to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. With her exceptional dedication, hands-on experience, and innate passion, any veterinary program would be lucky to have her. We're confident that she will make a significant contribution to the field. As her time with us comes to an end, we wholeheartedly wish her the best in her veterinary pursuits and all future endeavors.

From everyone at ECO PR, congratulations and best wishes to Andira del Alba Puente-Vega! We expect many great things from her in the world of wildlife conservation and veterinary medicine.

(Here's a Bonus video of Andira's unique technique for inspecting Artifical nesting structures)