Yellow-shouldered blackbird

The Yellow-shouldered Blackbird Conservation Project is dedicated to protecting and preserving the endangered Yellow-shouldered Blackbird, a unique species endemic to Puerto Rico. Found exclusively in Mona island, the southwest region of Puerto Rico (Cabo Rojo and Lajas), the municipalities of Salinas and Guayama, and the municipality of Ceiba, these beautiful birds face numerous challenges that have placed them at risk of extinction. Through our dedication and collaborative efforts, the Yellow-shouldered Blackbird Conservation Project aims to secure a future for these extraordinary birds and contribute to the overall biodiversity and health of Puerto Rico's ecosystems. By joining our project, you become an essential part of our mission to preserve and protect this endangered species for generations to come.


Our passionate team of experts and volunteers focuses on a variety of conservation efforts to ensure the survival of this remarkable species. Our work includes:

1. Monitoring Nesting Sites: We closely observe and protect nesting sites, ensuring the birds have a safe environment to breed and raise their young.
2. Tagging and Tracking: To gain valuable insights into the Yellow-shouldered Blackbird's behavior, we tag and track individuals to determine their home range, survival patterns, and migration habits.
3. Population Surveys: We conduct regular population surveys to monitor the species' numbers and assess the effectiveness of our conservation efforts.
4. Conservation Strategies: Our team aids in the implementation of conservation strategies across all populations on the main island of Puerto Rico, working closely with local communities and authorities to promote sustainable practices.
5. Volunteer Opportunities: We provide hands-on learning experiences for students interested in wildlife conservation, offering them the chance to participate in the capture, handling, and management of endangered species.